
“Being in mentorship with Olivia is a profound and unique experience. Olivia has the capacity to see through to the heart of what wants to be expressed, moved, and seen. One of my favorite parts of working with Olivia, is that all the shameful, hidden, or unexamined parts of myself are gently welcomed without judgment, and therefore, transformed. I appreciate Olivia’s capacity to work on various levels to suit what is needed (i.e. relationally, logistically, and spiritually). Working with Olivia is much more nourishing than any talk therapy I’ve done — a full spectrum approach integrating body, mind, nervous system, and spirit.”

– KM

“When I sit in a session with Olivia, I feel the deepest parts of me that long to be heard and felt completely welcomed by her presence alone. I believe it is in part due to her devotion to her spiritual practice and in part because of all the dedication and years of training and applying relational work as a path to liberation. I find myself learning a new language and the option to speak my needs in places where I was once stuck. It has been hard for me to receive such deep acknowledgement and care over the years and working with Olivia raises my bar of worth and deep self care and knowledge.”

– AR

“I have been in and out of therapy for over 10 years. I was lucky to always have wonderful therapists who helped me a lot, but I still found there were some lingering emotional issues and blocks that I simply could not shake. I contacted Olivia kind of out of desperation. Her 4-month coaching package was a break through. I saw the ways I was sabotaging myself and was able to bring attention to my issues compassionately and therefore release them. I can’t say that I fully understand how her methods work, just that they do. I’m also happy to say that her methods are entirely different from traditional therapy, which, at times, can be a bit like staring at your own belly button. Olivia’s coaching is proactive, inspiring and thought and feeling provoking. I’m so grateful to Olivia and recommend her highly to anyone who wants to better understand themselves to heal and move forward in their lives with clarity and compassion.”

– EW

“I’ve had the good fortune of working with Olivia both in a one on one and a group setting.  In both cases she demonstrated heart felt attentiveness and well-calculated advice. Olivia’s s guidance and positive energy has left me more inspired and more clear on my path to wholeness. I came to Olivia with a disorienting and confusing sexual situation. Her advice and support have allowed me to feel grounded, empowered, and now thrilled about the unfolding sexual/spiritual path.”

– Ryan O

“I am honored to write this testimonial for Olivia. One session turned into several over the course of a few months. I found that I was able to turn around a very difficult relationship with a sibling, gain confidence in myself and heal from personal trauma.”

– Usha S

“The thing I find most transformative about working with Olivia is the way she holds a space for every possibility.  I also feel her loving the parts of me that are in doubt and afraid to be vulnerable and seen. Olivia holds so much tenderness in her own body that you feel ok to just be yourself. Her insights and reflections continually resonate with me and help me have the practical tools to cultivate more self love, clarity and to be open to exactly where I am at. This for me is invaluable and has offered the most potent and dynamic healing and transformation.”

– AM

“Olivia brings humor, deep wisdom and kindness to her work. I felt seen, held and challenged to delve into my most festering wounds. After exploring my mind and spirit with Olivia over the past few months, I feel more grounded and centered. Her tailored and personalized approach requires you to co-create your own healing. She welcomes you into the abyss and shines a light on tools that you can access forever.”

– Roxanne D

“Olivia is the key that helped unlock the door to my truth. She has helped me learn so much about myself. Over the last 3 years, I have felt, on a basic soul level, I was not living my truth. While I knew this in my heart, I could never discover my true purpose, that next step. It always seemed so elusive and blurred. But now it’s all so clear, so obvious. And I’m not sure I could have done this on my own, without Olivia’s vast knowledge base. Having her as a guide, a resource and for support made all the difference.”

– Carly R

“We are so grateful for Olivia coming into our lives during a year that has required so much courage, honesty and presence. Our work together has made space for more light to shine though in our partnership as well as within our individual relationship with the divine. It felt natural and easy to work with Olivia from the beginning as we sensed her resonance and compassion  immediately. Olivia holds space for all of it- all the parts seen and unseen – and does so as an honored guest with such tenderness and life. She continues to inspire us find more space to fumble, laugh and begin again. Her offerings land in our hearts and there is no greater gift than that.”

-Christie + HP

“We are so grateful for Olivia’s grounded and warm presence. She guided us through several big personal changes and transitions and helped us create spaciousness in our partnership during our weekly sessions. The tools Olivia provided were both spiritual and practical in nature, leading us to evolve as individuals and in partnership. We continue to work with these practices to grow our capacity for deep listening, patience, and compassion as we tend to our relationship.”

– Casey + Nathan

“These sessions help me be new, and more me at the same time. Like a huge love mirror reflecting what is arising in my heart, body and mind in ways I cannot see myself. I find my relationship and ability to be present with my own clients move into new territory, to places a part of me has been longing to go to but has been in the past too afraid and resistant to.”

– DG

“A session with Olivia feels like full permission to be myself. With that comes an increased sense of freedom, emotional and physical release and ease. As a guide she embodies a clear, grounded mirror and collaborates with you and the energy moment by moment to enable exploration of the internal landscape, and to create space for spontaneous discovery and joy to come in. Beginning with our first session, I experienced immediately noticeable shifts in relating with myself, my partner and others.”

– Karen

“If you are looking to get closer to your own heart and cultivate more language around intimacy and relating you should book a session with Olivia RIGHT NOW! If you aren’t sure what you need but could use some guidance and feel stuck her sessions will unleash a part of you that may have been hiding for a long time.”

– B+A

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