Dechen Wangmo: Raised by Yogis

Dechen Wangmo: Raised by Yogis

In this episode Dechen shares about her father Lama Naldjorpa, her mother Tshering Drolkar, and step-father Drubpön Lama Karma. She shares about their yogic paths including stories they have shared and as well as memories. We close the episode hearing about...
Kalani Souza: How Much Sin Can We Hold?

Kalani Souza: How Much Sin Can We Hold?

Reverend Kalani Souza is a storyteller, musician, poet, philosopher, priest, political satirist, and peacemaker. Today he tells stories woven with wisdom, to inspire us to live a more whole honest loving life. To be peacemakers ourselves and stewards for future...
Heidi Rose Robbins: What is Known is Always Knocking

Heidi Rose Robbins: What is Known is Always Knocking

Heidi is an esoteric astrologer, poet, podcaster, and leader of Radiant Life Retreats. Some of what Heidi shares about is her path, astrology basics, living into your potential, unlocking the grip of patterns, the softening and change that understanding can create,...
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