allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:00 Deep forgetting 00:06:00 Moving at geologic speed and Men of Spirit project 00:12:38 Symptoms and the soul’s deepest...
00:02:00 Emotions versus feelings 00:06:00 Indicators to know you are emotional 00:09:00 5 steps to transform emotion 00:13:00 Full blown versus leaking low grade emotion. 00:15:00 Feelings, and body awareness 00:17:00 Relating with anger 00:18:00 3 Golden Rules...
00:01:19 The 4 Circles of Support 00:09:00 Healthful dependency in friendships 00:12:00 Supporting yourself and receiving support 00:18:00 Busyness, pushing and stressing 00:25:00 Going beyond western culture to influence your healing needs 00:30:00 Self-love as...
Rev. Nóirín Ní Riain PhD is an Interfaith Minister, an internationally acclaimed spiritual singer, theologian, writer, musicologist, and Celtic Spirituality expert. CONVERSATION TIMESTAMPS: 00:02:31 As a singer coming out of stage fright 00:06:00 Living for years at...
00:01:00 Rick’s sabbatical 00:03:00 The difference between mind, the brain and consciousness. 00:13:09 Why change and interconnection can be difficult to recognize and how to find the benevolence in endings. 00:19:00 The influence of the breath on the mind...
00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:42 Intimacy Essentials 00:02:51 Working with resistance to the journey of intimacy 00:05:07 When a relationship is workable and when it is not. 00:05:58 Projections 00:07:24 Conditioning, erotic wounding and sexual habits. 00:13:10...