Private guidance for couples who want to amplify their love force and grow relational fluency

There can be so many misunderstandings and missteps in the daily dance of partnership.

Discover the experience you can create together when you bring more clarity, compassion, and skillfulness to your relational path. 


Co-create a relationship that deepens over time and supports the highest vision of your lifetime, together.

Tell me if any of these experiences feel familiar:


∴ You know there is greater possibility in your relationship, yet feel held back at an impasse. You may be unable to get through past experiences that have lessened trust or intimacy. You may just feel stuck and unable to move into fresh and satiating territory.

∴ You long for a relationship based on a true honoring and devotion for each other, that allows you to be deepened by the connection and more yourselves, but can’t seem to find the time and are not sure where to begin.

∴ You are never sure of the best way to bring anything up that could challenge your relationship. You end up walking on eggshells, holding back your true expression, or having conflict or disconnection that wears you both down.

∴ You feel starved for more meaningful intimacy and are starting to lose hope that you can experience that in your relationship. You keep yourself distracted to forget that it matters to you, in the hope that something will change or the need will magically fade away.

It’s time to enter into an evolutionary relationship with yourself, your longings, & your path together.

“If you are looking to get closer to your own heart and cultivate more language around intimacy and relating, you should book a session with Olivia RIGHT NOW! If you aren’t sure what you need but could use some guidance and feel stuck, her sessions will unleash a part of you that may have been hiding for a long time. 

– B+A

Imagine …

~ Having embodiment and communication skills to maintain generative, trustworthy, and compassionate connection. Feeling seen, touched, and understood with each other.

~  Knowing clearly what creates difficulty for your relationship and steps to come out of these patterns. Learning practical ways to move through conflict and challenge, quickly and honestly, without blame, shame, or dampening the flames of intimacy.

~  Creating a shared vision for your life together, celebrating your differences, and learning to be a supportive team amid the unknowns and changes that you meet as a couple.

The first step is to tend to any blocks, and create space in your life for the expansive intimacy and well-being you crave.

A mentorship designed to evolve based on your vision, needs, and desires

Our time together may involve somatic, thought work, and mindfulness practices. My approach uses a combination of attachment theory, Gestalt psychology, the energetics of intimacy, shadow work and subconscious illumination, inner child work, neural re-patterning, integral circling, and embodiment practices that are fully customized to your situation and goals.

Depending on your needs, we will take time to process, heal, and refine your relational skills. We will delve into how you inhabit, perceive, receive, and express your innate wisdom, and use that as a guiding force within our work.

Mentorship is offered in 3, 6, or 12+ month containers.

Each 3-month mentorship container is $2700 and includes:

  • Six 90-minute sessions, meeting every other week
  • Custom explorations, practices, and suggestions for you to engage in when we are not in session and beyond to allow for further growth and integration
  • Unlimited support in-between sessions via email or WhatsApp text and audio.


Mentorship is an intensive retraining. It is designed to be a portal of wholehearted transformation and the liberation of your authentic, fully expressed self.

By using a wide variety of modalities, I am able to meet you wherever you are in mind, body, nervous system, and spirit.

If you are ready to dive into this work, book your free consultation with Olivia to get your questions answered and see if this is the right fit for you.

Past clients say…

We are so grateful for Olivia coming into our lives during a year that has required so much courage, honesty and presence. Our work together has made space for more light to shine through in our partnership as well as within our individual relationship with the divine. It felt natural and easy to work with Olivia from the beginning as we sensed her resonance and compassion  immediately.

Olivia holds space for all of it- all the parts seen and unseen – and does so as an honored guest with such tenderness and life. She continues to inspire us find more space to fumble, laugh and begin again.

– HP & Christie

“Being in mentorship with Olivia is a profound and unique experience. Olivia has the capacity to see through to the heart of what wants to be expressed, moved, and seen. 

“One of my favorite parts of working with Olivia, is that all the shameful, hidden, or unexamined parts of myself are gently welcomed without judgment, and therefore, transformed. I appreciate Olivia’s capacity to work on various levels to suit what is needed (i.e. relationally, logistically, and spiritually). 

“Working with Olivia is much more nourishing than any talk therapy I’ve done — a full spectrum approach integrating body, mind, nervous system, and spirit.”

— KM

Welcome, I’m Olivia.

I work with individuals & couples to create profound fulfillment, so that every day feels more vibrant, aligned, and meaningful.

For nearly two decades, I’ve been immersed in exploring relationships, seeking to understand how we can each become more satisfied, compassionate, and connected to indestructible love – a love that never leaves. 

I’ve trained in a diverse variety of modalities and fields that will support you, including attachment theory, neural re-patterning, Gestalt therapeutic methods, the Developmental Model of couples therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, the energetics of intimacy, shadow work and subconscious illumination, inner child work, integral circling, healing trauma and abandonment, meditation, and embodiment practices. My work has been featured in Vogue, The New York Times, Brides, and Well+Good.

It’s this multi-faceted approach to mind, body, nervous system, and spirit that creates beneficial results for my clients. Together, we’ll explore your subtlest interior realms and relational landscape.

If you’ve been longing to bring greater inspiration, trust, and connection into your life, I invite you to book a call with me to learn more.

Welcome, I’m Olivia.

I work with individuals & couples to create profound fulfillment, so that every day feels more vibrant, aligned, and meaningful.

For nearly two decades, I’ve been immersed in exploring relationships, seeking to understand how we can each become more satisfied, compassionate, and connected to indestructible love – a love that never leaves. 

I’ve trained in a diverse variety of modalities and fields that will support you, including attachment theory, neural re-patterning, Gestalt therapeutic methods, the Developmental Model of couples therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, the energetics of intimacy, shadow work and subconscious illumination, inner child work, integral circling, healing trauma and abandonment, meditation, and embodiment practices. My work has been featured in Vogue, The New York Times, Brides, and Well+Good.

It’s this multi-faceted approach to mind, body, nervous system, and spirit that creates beneficial results for my clients. Together, we’ll explore your subtlest interior realms and relational landscape.

If you’ve been longing to bring greater inspiration, trust, and connection into your life, I invite you to book a call with me to learn more.

We are so grateful for Olivia’s grounded and warm presence. She guided us through several big personal changes and transitions and helped us create spaciousness in our partnership during our weekly sessions.

The tools Olivia provided were both spiritual and practical in nature, leading us to evolve as individuals and in partnership. We continue to work with these practices to grow our capacity for deep listening, patience, and compassion as we tend to our relationship.”

– H&L

“I have been in and out of therapy for over 10 years. I was lucky to always have wonderful therapists who helped me a lot, but I still found there were some lingering emotional issues and blocks that I simply could not shake.

“I contacted Olivia kind of out of desperation. Her 4-month mentorship was a breakthrough. I saw the ways I was sabotaging myself and was able to bring attention to my issues compassionately and therefore release them.

“Olivia’s coaching is proactive, inspiring and thought- and feeling-provoking. I’m so grateful to Olivia and recommend her highly to anyone who wants to better understand themselves, to heal and move forward in their lives with clarity and kindness.”

— EW

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I join for?

Generally, I begin working with people in 3 or 6 month containers. Many clients re-enroll after their initial mentorship completes. Some have continued sessions for 2 years or longer to continue going deeper and deeper into the journey of profound fulfillment and intimacy. 

We’ll discuss which length of container that best supports your goals on your free consult call.

Are there payment plans available?

Yes! There are a variety of payment plans available, down to $225 per month. If you think a payment plan might be a good fit for you, send me a note here.

I haven’t done self-development work like this before. Do I need to do anything before I get started?

No. I love working with people who are just beginning their journey. By fusing together dozens of different modalities in our sessions, I’m able to fast-track your healing and growth process. Starting your self-development journey here is a great way to get right to the source of transformation without spending time, money, and energy on “quick fixes” that don’t create lasting change.

Do you work with sexual trauma?

I am trauma informed but I am not a licensed mental health practitioner. If you have sexual trauma that has not been explored I recommend tending to that first. We can discuss this further when we speak on our consultation call if this is a concern.

I’m nervous about investing. How can I be sure of the value of this offer?

I’m fully committed to my offer and I believe it’s an incredible value, but I don’t want you to have to take my word for it. You can read dozens of testimonials from my past clients here.

This is an intensive mentorship. In addition to our sessions every other week, you have access to unlimited support in-between sessions via email and WhatsApp. We focus on healing the body, mind, nervous system, and spirit – a holistic approach that nourishes every aspect of your being.

Many of my clients have said that doing a mentorship with me healed destructive patterns around love and relationships that years of investing in talk therapy hadn’t fixed.

How do I know if now is the right time for me to start this mentorship?

One aspect of my work is helping clients follow their sixth sense  and connect with their self-trust. So, I invite you to shift your focus outside of your mind and instead tune into how your body feels when you think about beginning this journey:

→ What sensations arise for you when you consider joining this mentorship? 

→ What do your body and spirit desire? 

Trust the answer, even if it is quiet.

If you feel drawn to this work, you can feel safe and comfortable knowing that now is a good time to begin.

It’s easy to feel like there is always something “more important” to focus on than yourself. But the truth is, if you find yourself stuck repeating old patterns, those patterns will continue to repeat until you interrupt them. Your relationship will continue to lack the intimacy you desire. You’ll struggle to find the right partner. Your creativity and expression will feel blocked.

All of that can be healed and addressed. You have it within your power to have the relationship, work , and creative passion you crave – to build a life that is deeply fulfilling in every way. But first, you need to prioritize yourself.

So if you feel called to show up shamelessly as your authentic self so that you can give and receive a wider range of energy and love, I invite you to schedule a free 20-minute consult call.

There is no better time than now.

Have a question? You can contact me directly via email and I can answer any questions you have at oliviaclementineco/at/gmail/dot/com

Move through the world together with ever-increasing curiosity, warmth, inspiration, and trust.  

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