Some of what Andrea shares:
00:00:00 Meeting her teacher 16th Karmapa
00:22:00 Bone Relics and losing a skull that impacted her life
00:27:00 Proper care of ritual objects
00:30:00 Legendary snow lion expedition
00:36:00 How monastic institutions changed tantric rituals
00:44:00 Dalai Lama on the most important legacy for Buddhism
00:47:00 Benefits and uses of different malas based on their materials
00:50:00 Learning Chöd Practice with Chatral Rinpoche
00:53:55 Things to note when using a bone trumpet
00:56:00 What to do when snakes and scorpions are close to you
00:58:56 What Andrea practices right now
01:02:34 Cremation ground practice
01:06:00 Women in the charnel ground
01:18:00 Andrea’s charnel ground practice and special rituals

Vairananda-ma, the Sadhu-ma and consort of Kalopaba (1979)

2 yoginis enjoying hotsprings
To support and donate to Andrea’s upcoming project of building a stupa on the charnel ground contact her here: loseries.andrea at
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