It is a joy and delight to have your perfect being here
Opening to pleasure and complexity is a practice. 
It is something we do moment by moment, 
with every thought, movement, action, interaction, 
sensation, we are choosing whether we are opening 
to pleasure and complexity or rejecting it.

Some moments we will turn away from pleasure and complexity and seek the opposite. Some moments we will surprise ourselves and open ourselves greater than we thought we could. There is no right when it comes to pleasure. Every body is different and it is important to not hold fast to any rules.

It’s helpful to let this notion settle into our bodies. To offer our selves compassion, patience and humility that this is a continual unfolding journey. There are no shortcuts. And if anyone says so, then be wary.

The journey is how we come to have faith in our knowledge, and steady our awareness so it transforms into wisdom. The journey allows real love to arise and from here natural compassion.

Each section I will share theories and practices. I consider this course a collection of fundamental principals to experience a fulfilling intimate and human life. 

This offers a ground for future deepening to refine your capacities, and move further into practices and perspectives. Everything shared here is quite vast and potent and can be unpacked for our lifetime. 

Often the fundamental teachings are the most important to grasp. I recommend taking in this course with a fresh mind. Let go of expectations and ideas of what you think you know or don’t know. Let wonder and presence be your great allies as you journey through.   

Opening to pleasure and complexity is a risk. It takes courage to expose our selves. It takes a commitment to life over numbness, and unknown over familiarity. 

How committed you are to the practices shared, will of course impact the outcome of your experience. So free of weight and tension and full of the sensation of joy and delight, find time daily for placing your attention on this. 

There will be a daily meditation that will take about 10 minutes a day minimum.

I recommend having a weekly P&C date night. If inspired, you can read outloud and discuss what is shared and explore the exercises. And if you are flying solo right now, you can still make it a luscious date night, receiving your sensoryscape and the brilliant presence of you and your embodiment. 

In general for this course, if you are not in partnership, you can use past partnerships as exploration for some contemplations and for practices we will have methods for you to engage fully. Self adoration is the basis of any fruitful intimate life so this is all very good.

I want to mention I will often use the term lover rather than partner, even though I do say partner here and there too. I find that if we can see each other as lovers well then we remember to love each other! Language is impressionable on our psyches and so if we see our partner as our lover, then our behavior will be impacted. We can tend to daily activities like laundry, and bills as lovers too you know, rather than fall into being room mates, parents and business partners. We remember the core value is love. We are here to love each other and everything else comes from that intention. 

If you have had any severe trauma, this kind of work can bring it up. While it also has the potential to heal it, if you are needing extra support, please find a therapist, emdr or trauma specialist to support you. 

I am grateful for your commitment and curiosity and am excited for the expanded possibility of aliveness, connection and fulfillment for you. 

Blessed journey


Though your destination is not yet clear 
You can trust the promise of this opening; 
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning 
That is at one with your life’s desire. 
Awaken your spirit to adventure; 
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk; 
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm, 
For your soul senses the world that awaits you. 
— John O’Donohue


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