The path forward
We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, 
tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the 
erotic as the deepest life force, a force 
which moves us toward living in a fundamental 
way. ― Audre Lorde 

I hope your perfect divinely soaked being has benefitted from this offering. The path of pleasure and complexity continues to open itself. The deeper you settle into your true nature, the more you unbind yourself from what is not yours to bear and the more your heart opens in curiousity and warmth. 

I highly recommend continuing these practices certainly for a lifetime. And giving a good 3 months to focus on them so they become natural. So your relationships and inner experience lean more effortlessly towards adoration, embodiment and truth. 

There are many ways to go from here to refine your self and relational awareness and to grow your experience of both the erotic and sensual, and the field of compassion and meaning. 

Please stay in touch and let me know how your experience of bliss and wisdom unfolds.

If you can take the time to answer some or all the questions below, I would be most grateful.

From the heart of love, with the door always open to the possibility of pleasure,

You are a gift.

 xx Olivia xx

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