Sarah Jacoby: Love & Liberation, Writings of Sera Khandro

Sarah Jacoby: Love & Liberation, Writings of Sera Khandro

Sarah in Tibet at Dralek Monastery in Ganze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, PRC. Here she is reading different editions of Sera Khandro’s collected works and comparing them, as well as scanning parts of them. Episode highlights: Sarah and Olivia...
Sharon Blackie: The Choice to Belong & Land Needing Us

Sharon Blackie: The Choice to Belong & Land Needing Us

Some of what Sharon shares includes: A turning point from her time in the outer hebrides in Scotland Why we don’t want to belong On one’s relationship to birth place Boundaries being porous. Exercise to connect with landscape archetypes  Old bone mother, old crone...
Deborah Sundahl: Orgasm, Goddess Water & the G-Spot

Deborah Sundahl: Orgasm, Goddess Water & the G-Spot

 Some of what Deborah shares includesAncient view on female fluids, sacredness, and nourishmentDifference between orgasm and ejaculationDifference between clitoral, cervical and g-spot orgasms3 essentials for g-spot orgasmHomework for vagina baring listeners to...
Helena Norberg-Hodge: Localization, Ladakh & Non-Exploitative Economy

Helena Norberg-Hodge: Localization, Ladakh & Non-Exploitative Economy

Some of what Helena shares includes: Ancient economies and how we came to the current economic system we have today. Ladakh as a case study of the impacts of globalization Globalized food system Nonsensical view of climate change, and Issues of focusing on carbon vs...
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