Heal & Expand Sexual Limitation & Wounding 

*** If you have serious sexual trauma that has not been deeply explored, please have additional therapeutic support before begining this page of inquiry ***

Love is self-born
You don't have to wait 
for someone to give you love.
For the gift of love to grow,
you pour love into love.
To keep love growing, 
to keep love burning high,
you add love to love.
No other ingredient,
no other substance is required.
-Swami Chidvilasananda


Questions to ponder to show you areas that you may want to expand/heal in the meditation. Print these out or answer directly from the webpage. Let yourself be completely honest. You can even go back a few times to let more truth show itself. Welcome what you may not know about your sexual mindset and experience. 

  • I feel insecure with my sexual expression …
  • I wish I was different sexually and in my body …
  • I am a good lover when …
  • I crave sex when …
  • I use sex to cover up these uncomfortable sensations …
  • I equate orgasms with …
  • Sometimes I fake orgasms or make them sound a certain way because …
  • I have sex even when I don’t want to because …
  • During sex I think about …
  • During sex I try not to think about …
  • I may think about sex too much because …
  • I wonder if I do not think about sex enough because …
  • Anything around the topic of sex I think is empowering and so I don’t question my or others sexual behavior …
  • I am not a very sexual being because …
  • I am super sexual because …
  • I feel pain during sex when …
  • These are some sexual fantasies I have …
  • My favorite way to receive pleasure is like this …
  • My favorite way to give pleasure is like this …
  • What I don’t like during sex is …
  • Ways I overstep my boundaries sexually are …
  • I believe sex is dirty because …
  • I believe sex is freeing because …
  • My genitals belong to …
  • My genitals are dirty or divine …
  • Their genitals are dirty or divine …
  • I am sexually attractive because …
  • I am not sexually attractive because …
  • I experience shame when …
  • When I think about my relationships I am shameful about …
  • When I think about my body I am shameful about …
  • When I think about my sexuality I am shameful about …
  • Ways I numb out in life …
  • How I avoid vulnerability in a way that creates pain is and doesn’t give me what I want 
  • I want to be more vulnerable …
  • I become aggressive when …



Reprogram Meditation

Our subconscious stores all sorts of beliefs that we fall back on about what it means to be a sexual human being. Some of these hold us back, not allowing us to blossom and express and embody.  This is an audio meditation to shift your beliefs. To heal old wounds. To allow your full experience and desires in the realm of sexuality to have room and support to thrive.


The main 3 questions that will be asked of you during the meditation are:

1. What is one limiting belief or behavior you would like to shift? 

Choose one before the meditation that you might have gathered from the above questions or know already. You can also begin the meditation and see if any arise then.

2. Welcome memories that brought on this belief.

Next you will be asked to open your mind to let visions, memories, situations that brought on this belief surface. You might already know what brought it on and that is fine. Either way you can stay open and see if anything shows up for you. One particular moment or vision that may have not seemed relevant may enter your consciousness. Take whatever arises as significant and part of the pieces to your current story.

3. Give yourself what you need.

This is a broad question, and asks you to go beyond the logical mind. Anything is acceptable. Sometimes you will need an object, a response, something or someone out of the blue may need to enter the scene. Allow your subconscious to show you. To allow what was to be completed, so what you want now has space to enter. 


a particular belief or behavior that is limiting you, that you are aware of already or extracted from the questions above.

a safe comfortable space to meditate either lying down or sitting up

time after the meditation incase anything arises

headphones to listen and receive subtle sound vibrations

a notebook and writing utensil

water nearby to drink


Hours and days following the meditation know that you may be reshuffling inside. Create time for yourself and time to be more gentle, to hold what is arising. Your dreams may give you more information of what is coming out of the dark. Notice the shifts.

Totally up to you how often you do the meditaton in the beginning. For some it may bring up a lot and once a week is enough. For others, doing this a few days a week may feel right to keep detoxing and liberating the system. Do what is best for you, your nervous system and the time you have.

Continue to do this reprogramming meditation on any limiting sexual beliefs and behaviors. You will reach a point where you will notice you are more grounded in an empowering and freeing relationship with your sexuality. At that point you can do the meditation just when needed here and there.



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