Meanderings, love notes, curiosities …
Adele Tomlin: The Inner Level of Tantric Union, Celibacy, Bliss & Love
Adele Tomlin is an independent writer, scholar, translator, practitioner and student of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Some of what Adele shares includes: 00:00 Introduction 00:57 Realizations through relationship and everyday living 04:26 Challenges of relationships...
Oceana Sawyer: Living and Dying with Pleasure & the Diamond-like Quality of Humanity
Oceana Sawyer is an End of Life Doula, writes and speaks on the liminal space of active dying and grief. Note: Oceana explores some unconventional perspectives in this episode, which come from mid-stream in longer conversations in which she is embedded. They presume...
Tseyang Pharchen: In Conversation with a Mountain Retreatant
Tseyang has spent the last 12 years, all seasons but winter, retreating in the mountains of Bhutan. Some of what Tseyang shares today includes: Why she was drawn to practice in the mountains Obstacles arising when we make meaningful choices Why age does not matter...
Khandro Kunzang: Cultivating Siddhis, Tukdam, Lineage Protection & Consortship In todays's episode Khandro shares about: Cultivating and training in relative siddhis to benefit others Enacting the four activities Signs and Tests for siddhis Story with Garchen Rinpoche Activities for subduing warfare...
Dr. Bayo Akomolafe: Entanglement, Generative Failure & the Need for Lostness
Some of what Bayo shares includes on: The relational universe Caught up in the modern Process vs Things Slave ship of our times Listening and fugitivity Necessity of suffering, failure and pain Power of vocality On the sacredness of language Ecstasy of becoming...
Lama Justin von Bujdoss: Resting into the Mind Beyond Time & Being Consumed by Dharma
Some of what Justin shares includes: Transference of Buddhism from Indian to Tibetan and Nepali culture Maitripa as muse Practitioners needing to go deeper Shamatha, vipassana, ati yoga and dzogchen, comparisons Impact of pedagogic systems on meditation styles...
Jeanine Canty: Relational Currency, Walking Between Worlds & Ecological Narcissism
Some of what Jeanine shares includes: Racism being linked to our economic system Witch burning, slave ships, paganism and the global market place Organized religion and its impact on globalization. Impact of living in one place and policing forces Marginalized...
Sri Dharma Mittra: Self-Realization & Essential Yoga Practices
Some of what Sri Dharma Mittra shares includes: What brought Dharma Mittra to yoga Meeting his guru Finding answers Renunciation and being a full time yogi The place of purification based on one’s conditions Highest of all knowledge Who God is Meaning of...
Tracee Stanley: Yoga Nidra, Non-Doing & Life Transitions as Practice
Some of what Tracee shares includes: What is Yoga Nidra? Rest, bliss and refuge Being held, being worthy without doing anything Withdrawal of senses so we can connect with true nature. Swami Rama meeting his Yoga Nidra teacher Yoga Nidra as a feminine practice...
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang: Karmamudra, Chudlen & the Five Elements
Some of what Dr. Nida shares includes: His recent 8 month retreat Cultivating inner qualities of retreat Dream yoga Post-retreat syndromes Karmamudra, couples practice Karmic partner Channels and emotional connection How karmamudra speeds up realization Dr. Nida’s...
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel: To Be a Seer & Zen Rituals for Transformation
Some of what Zenju Earthly shares includes: Nakedness and the beginning of zen practice. On not promoting anything or ‘how to’ … Trusting in oneself and dealing with ones chaos Witches, magic, spells and chanting Going deep with simple offerings On ancestors and...
Tenzin Choegyal: Tibetan Nomadic Songs, Living & Dying
Some of what Tenzin shares includes: His Tibetan nomad heritage Becoming a refugee and orphan in the Tibetan Children’s Village School in India Karmic imprint of hearing His father’s passing Nomadic Tibetan folk music, formless and form and metaphor Thin line of...
Diana Richardson: Relaxation, Awareness & Sex
Some of what Diana shares includes: Her path to becoming a teacher Conventional vs. tantric sex Loss of tension vs relaxation Tantra for all sexual orientations Seeking sensitivity vs sensation Generating love Keeping cool Ejaculation control vs non-ejaculation Myth...
Tiokasin Ghosthorse: Lakota, Elders & Evolutionary Understanding
Sitting with ancestors, elders. Child story rather than ancestor story. Nature defining what humanity is. The intuition of the heart. Hospicing this modernity. Separating from our spiritual umbilical cord. What it means to be evolutionary. Ceremony and no agenda....
Khandro Kunzang: The Oral Instruction Lineage, Ngagpas & Himalayan Yogas of Tsa lung and Tummo Some of what Khandro shares includes: Khandro’s path to finding the buddhist dharma . The karmic process and past lives. Lama Dawa and his lineage and role as a Ngagpa. Examples of how Ngagpas worked with...
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen: Ruptured by Modernity & the In-Between of Animism
Some of what Rune shares includes: Rune’s studies in Afro-Brazilian religion. Meaning of Animism and Nordic The technology of giving and receiving Masks to manifest other than human person Participating in the life cycles of agriculture Mystical eroticism in animism...
Dr. Betty Martin: Eros is Yours & Abandoning Technique
Some of what Betty shares includes: Her realizations around erotism The wheel of consent practice Vulnerability of directness How simple things make you not be able to hide How to ask for what you want, and taking the risk yourself Creating agreements, choice and...
Sarah Jacoby: Love & Liberation, Writings of Sera Khandro
Sarah in Tibet at Dralek Monastery in Ganze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, PRC. Here she is reading different editions of Sera Khandro’s collected works and comparing them, as well as scanning parts of them. Episode highlights: Sarah and Olivia...
Sharon Blackie: The Choice to Belong & Land Needing Us
Some of what Sharon shares includes: A turning point from her time in the outer hebrides in Scotland Why we don’t want to belong On one’s relationship to birth place Boundaries being porous. Exercise to connect with landscape archetypes Old bone mother, old crone...
Michael Meade: The Path We Are Trying to Find, Ego Re-education & the Original Purpose of Fear
Some of what Michael shares includes: Meaning of myth Pandemic polarization and changing the collective situation Genius, wounds and giftedness Rites of passage and becoming authentic Natural form of education Ascension, darkness and the deep Self What it means to be...